Georgios Kapellakis welcomes athletes


Georgios Kapellakis welcomes all athletes!

Join us from October 21st to 28th at The Boccia World Challenger HERAKLION 2023 and witness the boundless human spirit in action.

Embrace the power of sport and redefine what’s possible!

Sport fans all around the world,

It is my honor and a great happiness as a President of the Hellenic Paralympic Committee, as a Paralympian and as a Cretan to welcome the Boccia athletes, officials, and the Boccia Paralympic Community in general, to Greece and to our beautiful island of Crete.

The Boccia World Challenger HERAKLION 2023 will bring a new perspective to everyone in this country by showing that the human spirit knows no limits.

From 21st until the 28th October, through the performances of Boccia Athletes, you will see the true meaning of sport and the true definition of ability.

You will witness how a Paralympic sport has the ability to inspire an individual, and the outstanding capacity to transform communities to a world full of possibility and endless opportunity.

Proud Boccia Athletes you are role models for what the world wants to see in today’s sporting heroes. You see obstacles as opportunities, you fight for your rights and here in Heraklion with the help of our experienced personnel and great volunteers being at your disposal you will have a unique opportunity to tell people what you stand for and most importantly who you are.

With the eyes of the world upon you, I ask you to send a message to the world through sport. Through your performances tell your story, a narrative of inclusion, a tale of empowerment and a legend that hope will always conquer fear.

I warm welcome participating Team Members from all over the world!

Athletes maximize your abilities and empower others to participate in sport.

The Organizing committee and the hospitable Cretans have done our best to ensure a level playing field for all; in return I ask you to have fun doing what you do best!

Special thanks to the Prefecture of Crete and the Municipality of Heraklion, the great volunteers and the BISFED for the willing to make this World Boccia Heraklion Challenger 2023 unique!

Georgios Kapellakis

President of the O.C. World Boccia Heraklion Challenger 2023
President of the Hellenic Paralympic Committee
Paralympic Gold Medalist

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